Inspired by the most distant water on the planet, we have created the authentic taste of Haysimo Water


About Haysimo

Haysimo Mineral Water is pumped out the water from deep wells then refines and purifies using highest technologies and immediately bottled in attractive packaging within the highest international standards that ensures the purity and quality that consumers deserve.

Shortly, Haysimo could be more expanded its water supplying factories to other areas of the nation in our next stages. Over and above we commence our plant as one of our obligations to the nation to build up a wealthy and healthy generation.

We are committed to the society be healthier as water is a vital part of every human being and daily hydration is needed to live longer with a healthy life.

Haysimo Water is focusing maximum availability of pure drinking water to all the areas in order to keep them healthier as each and every person is the wealth of the nation.